Archive for the ‘cleaning’ Category

He got something in return…and so did I
October 5, 2007

We cleaned my apartment, the floors, dusting everywhere, did the laundry, washed the dishes (in the washer) and then sat down on the sofa, exhausted, both of us. I said thanks.

‘Something in return right?’
‘Yes, what do you want in return, mister?’
‘I thought about you cooking a nice meal but I changed my mind as we were cleaning. Now I want a nice sweet kiss, please.’
‘Think that’s a good idea, you and me kissing?’
‘Why not?’

And we kissed…a lot…of different parts of eachother.

*blushing* Not gonna happen again, but it was nice.

Huggies and kisses

My busy busy day
October 4, 2007

Been at the gym (I’m getting there, I look so damn nice lol) and now I’m off to the studio to dance with Maria. Back for a quick shower after that and then I’m off to Andy.

A busy day. Gym, dancing and close friends. Perfect.

(I try in every way possible to avoid vacuuming and dusting)

Huggies and kisses

The man with the feather-duster
September 6, 2007

Yey, I’m done! The pile of clothes is now gone and it’s time to start vacuuming. Not as boring as ironing but I still wish I had a maid. A hot male maid walking around with a feather-duster, only wearing a black and white apron.

I wish!

Not gonna happen, I have to do it myself, wearing a lousy t-shirt and a pair of jeans.

Huggies and kisses