Archive for the ‘sister’ Category

Another lap dance
September 4, 2007

Lap dance in Varberg, 6th of October. A friend of my friend Maria is turning 25, a gay guy. Yes or no? Huggies and kisses Nellie


– They wanted me to ask you about a full monty. I said no way.

Thanks. You know that’s not gonna happen.

– It was a fucking joke, Michel. Wanna stay at my place?

Maybe. Any fab hotels in Varberg? Get me a hotel room, please.


Another lap dance. Sounds good to me. Going for “Buttons” again I think, I don’t have time to come up with something new.

And Nellie (Nathalie) is my younger sis if you didn’t know that already.

Huggies and kisses

Frustrated Michel
August 31, 2007

My sister, I love her to death but she’s having “blonde moments” a little too often I would say. (I’m not that brainy myself, you don’t have to send me an e-mail telling me that)

Picture yourself being away all day long, meetings, lunch with friend, back and forth, hurry hurry and when you get back home you tell your mum something and your sis is sitting next. “What?”, “I don’t get it”, “Tell me”, all you want is some piece and quiet, a nice cup of tea and great music. You get frustrated, telling her “Whatever”, “None of your buisness right now”, “Pleeease” but she keeps on going…you are getting pissed off, like a little bit, she’s annoying and you realize you have to tell her about it to make her shut up. These two pics are taken in that very moment, in France, when I do had to tell my sister. (taken by my dad)



Huggies and kisses

Poor peoples diamonds
August 17, 2007

I’m hot, all done and ready for my secret admirer. I can’t think of anything else right now. My friends are on their way here, I so wanna tell em and…hey, they might know who it is. If I make sure they drink a lot a name might slip, right?

I sent my sister a message about the roses I got. Her reply;
“Roses are poor peoples diamonds /Nellie”

She’s single and all of a sudden I understand why.

Huggies and kisss

My revenge
August 1, 2007

This is my revenge;


She hates that pic, that’s good.
And she doesn’t want me to show any pic of her at all, even better.

So people, this is my sister Nathalie.

Huggies and kisses

August 1, 2007

Martin on the phone;

Martin: Your sis is logged in, MSN.
Me: Nice, so what’s up?
Martin: She just showed me a pic of you.
Me: Umm you don’t need a pic of me, do you?!
Martin: A pic when you’re crying on the beach in France, the water’s edge…
Me: You must be kidding me…

We did it for fun, me and my sister. Played with the camera and she wanted me to do that, it’s in the sunset. We promise eachother NOT to show those pics to anyone. But she did…to a friend of mine. He will nag och tease me about this forever and ever.

Now I’m thinking about what to do…in revenge.

Huggies and kisses

My mini-friends
July 25, 2007

My sis has left the building, on her way home to Varberg, south Gothenburg.

And what does that mean?

Hell yeah, I can do whatever a wanna do! Watch porn, jerk off, play with my mini-friends aka dildos, invite Fredrik over, have sex with him and then kick him out the door, go for some cybersex or a little something over the phone.

But I’m not…

…it’s time to rehears the choreography for Justins Sexy back, I’m sorry to disappoint you.

Huggies and kisses

It makes me wonder
July 23, 2007


I’m tired today. Me and Nellie are sitting on the balcony sipping tea. We don’t say much, just trying to firgure out why it’s raining so much. It’s supposed to be summer right?! And sunny. It’s not and it makes me wonder…

…why I’m not in France right now. 

Huggies and kisses

Who had sex in the master bathroom?
July 22, 2007

David, Martin and Andy just left. They came here to talk about last night, gossip.

I wanted to know who had sex in the master bathroom (my sis found a disgusting used condom when she cleaned earlier today, she threw up picking it up, I refused. Love her).

Martin: – She threw up? Fake! She was the one having sex in there!!
Me: – WHAT? NELLIE? (Nellie is my sis)
David: -No, she didn’t, I don’t think she did. (David grabs Martins head and presses it against the wall)
Martin: -Aaaaa, stop it! What did you do that for?
David: -Your head is so fat, big, huge…but there’s like nothing in it. And I thought it must be air so I tried to reduce the pressure in there.
And that’s it. They kept on fighting, teasing and playing all evening. I don’t know who had sex in there and I don’t know if I wanna know. The condom is in the trash and we’ve cleaned up the mess. Michel is tired.

Huggies and kisses

Party tonight
July 21, 2007

Did I tell you me and my sister are throwing a party here tonight?

Ok. We are. A hell of a party. 20-30 people in my apartment, nice ey? 😉

My sis is now vaccuming and I’m…sitting here. I have to help her, she’s so mean.

Huggies and kisses

Buisness before pleasure
July 21, 2007

My sis just woke up, time for some jogging before breakfast. Buisness before pleasure, the Michelicious way.

Go get your shoes and join us, fatso!

Huggies and kisses